2015, "Ice Jacket" series. Kiln glass over steel armatures. "Ice Jackets" look at the reflective qualities of the glass, as well as referencing artifacts found along the banks of the Penobscot river after recent dam removals. The artifacts, including common household and industrial objects, date from the 1800's--early 1900's. The steel also references tools and other remnants of the logging industry.

2015, "Ice Jacket" series. Kiln glass over steel armatures. "Ice Jackets" look at the reflective qualities of the glass, as well as referencing artifacts found along the banks of the Penobscot river after recent dam removals. The artifacts, including common household and industrial objects, date from the 1800's--early 1900's. The steel also references tools and other remnants of the logging industry.

2015, "Ice Jacket" series. Kiln glass over steel armatures. "Ice Jackets" look at the reflective qualities of the glass, as well as referencing artifacts found along the banks of the Penobscot river after recent dam removals. The artifacts, including common household and industrial objects, date from the 1800's--early 1900's. The steel also references tools and other remnants of the logging industry.

"aDay". 13' high, more than 65' of conveyor belt pierced then threaded onto steel pole, later stuffed with straw. At top is carved slate letter "a," containing red glass in the negative space of the "a."